VS Code on Computerome

VS Code is a free, open-source, cross-platform code editor developed by Microsoft. It is a very popular editor among developers, and it is also used by many researchers. Here is a guide on how to install and use VS Code on Computerome.

  1. Open a virtual desktop session by ThinLinc
  2. Download and install VS Code
    • Download VS Code or by wget --user-agent=Mozilla --content-disposition -E -c "https://code.visualstudio.com/sha/download?build=stable&os=linux-x64"
    • Extract the downloaded file (tar.gz) by running tar -xvzf <filename>
  3. Test VS Code by running ./code in the extracted folder. Often, you will get an error message. You could add ./code --no-sandbox to the command to run VS Code without sandboxing.
  4. You can add the following line to your .bashrc file:
    • alias code='./path/to/code --no-sandbox'
  5. Additionally, add the following --extensions-dir /mnt/extdir/vsc-ext/ --user-data-dir /mnt/extdir/vsc-user-data/'