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This vignette provides an overview of the DiseasyModel class and its use in creating a diseasy model.

As described in the package introduction (vignette("diseasy")), the power of diseasy comes from combining different “functional” modules with model “templates” to create a large ensemble of models easily.

It is DiseasyModel that defines how such model templates should look, and provides the mechanism by which the functional modules are loaded in the model templates to create the individual model members of the ensemble.

Before we dive into the details of DiseasyModel, let’s first consider what it means to be a “model template”:

Model Templates

Developing a model in diseasy involves constructing a model template that incorporates one or more functional modules into a model design.

For instance, let’s consider the creation of a simple SIR (Susceptible, Infectious, Recovered) infection model with a seasonal forcing σ(t)\sigma(t) of the overall infection rate, denoted by .

The SEIR model with seasonal forcing can be represented by the following set of differential equations:

dS(t)dt=βσ(t)S(t)I(t) \frac{dS(t)}{dt} = - \beta \cdot \sigma(t) \cdot S(t) \cdot I(t)

dI(t)dt=βσ(t)S(t)I(t)γI(t) \frac{dI(t)}{dt} = \beta \cdot \sigma(t) \cdot S(t) \cdot I(t) - \gamma \cdot I(t)

dR(t)dt=γI(t) \frac{dR(t)}{dt} = \gamma \cdot I(t)

When developing this model traditionally, we would choose some functional form for the seasonal forcing σ(t)\sigma(t), e.g. a sinusoidal relationship: σ(t)=Acos(kt+ϕ) \sigma(t) = A \cdot \cos(k \cdot t + \phi)

The strategy of diseasy is to source the seasonal forcing σ(t)\sigma(t) directly from the corresponding functional module (DiseasySeason).

Every implementation of a seasonal forcing in DiseasySeason has the same function signature (i.e. they all take only a single argument tt once configured).

This way, we can configure different instances of DiseasySeason using the whole range of (available) plausible functional forms of seasonal forcing:

  • No seasonal forcing (σ(t)=1\sigma(t) = 1)
  • Sinusoidal forcing
  • Temperature dependent forcing
  • Other plausible seasonal forcing forms

Since the modules of diseasy are “objects” in an object-oriented-programming sense, the functional forms of the seasonal forcing can have parameters (as we see in the list above), but these are stored in the object when configuring the module, and the actual seasonal forcing exposed to the models all have the same function signature that takes only time as input (σ(t)\sigma(t))1.

This way, we can easily swap out different seasonal forcing models in our model templates without having to change the model equations themselves. If new seasonal forcing models are developed, they are then automatically available to the developed model.

This is the philosophy behind the diseasy package, since we can easily swap out different functional modules for the templates and generate a large ensemble of models with functional forms for the disease dynamics.

The DiseasyModel class

To create a model template in diseasy is to create a new class that inherits the DiseasyModel class.

This gives the model template access to the functional modules that are available in the package, it defines how the user sets the parameters of the model and queries the model for results.

In addition, it provides useful utilities for the implementation of the model such as logging and caching.

A container for functional modules

The DiseasyModel class contains slots for instances of functional modules:

  • $activity: {DiseasyActivity}
  • $observables: {DiseasyObservables}
  • $season: {DiseasySeason}
  • $variant: {DiseasyVariant}

This means, that once a new DiseasyModel instance is created, it will have the functional modules internally available. Going back to the above example of the SIR model with seasonal forcing, the model template would be access the seasonal forcing σ(t)\sigma(t) via the call self$season$model_t(t).

Training data

The DiseasyModel class also contains the method $get_training_data() that provides training data to the models.

This method interfaces with the DiseasyObservables module to provide data for an observable at some stratification level. The level of stratification is generally a flexible parameter that will be set by the user when requesting results from the model. For example, the user my request results at the country level or at the regional level.

The helper method $get_training_data() will then provide the training data for the observable at the requested level. This data will contain one record for each time point in the training period, with columns for the date of the observation, the values of the different (optional) stratification, and the value of the observable on the date, and finally, an integer counter for the day relative to the end of the training period.

Model-user interface

Beyond providing access to the functional modules, DiseasyModel defines how the user will interface with the model.

Setting parameters

The default parameters of the model should be contained within the $parameters slot of the model template.

These are then exposed to the user, and logic can be implemented to allow the user to set some parameters of the model while leaving others free to be determined by the model during model fitting.

For technical reasons2, you should implement the private$default_parameters() slot as a function that combines the model-specific parameters with the inherited parameters from the superclasses. {r .parameters implementation, eval = FALSE} # nolint: assignment_linter, object_usage_linter default_parameters = function() { modifyList( super$default_parameters(), # Obtain parameters from the superclasses # Overwrite with model-specific parameters list("model_specific_param_1" = 1, "model_specific_param_2" = "method_1"), keep.null = TRUE ) } # nolint end During initialisation, these are then evaluated to a single list of parameters, updated with the user-specified values for the parmaters and stored in the private$.parameters slot. The parameters are then acccessable via $parameters.

Validating the parameters

The model template can test the user provided parameters by implementing the private$validate_parameters() method. Note that some parameters may be set inherited from superclasses, so the implementation of the $validate_parameters() method should also call the parent validation method (super$validate_parameters()).

{r .parameter validation implementation, eval = FALSE} # nolint: assignment_linter, object_usage_linter validate_parameters = function() { checkmate::assert_number(self$parameters$model_specific_param_1) checkmate::assert_choice( self$parameters$model_specific_param_2, c("method_1", "method_2") ) super$validate_parameters() } # nolint end

Getting results

Once the parameters of the model is set (either by the user or by the model), the user can query the model for results using the $get_results() function. Through this function, the user provides the parameters of the result that should be provided (target observable, time-window and stratification level). In return, the function returns a standardised data.frame-like output that can be used for further analysis in conjunction with the results from other models.

The outputs of the model are standardised, and should follow the structure of the training_data provided by $get_training_data() enriched by model prediction, model id and realization id.