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diseasystore 0.3.1

CRAN release: 2025-02-28

Breaking change

  • DiseasystoreBase$key_join_features() no longer accept character stratifications – must use rlang::quos() (#203).

Minor Improvements and Fixes

  • The $observable_regex field is added, which shows the regex that demarcates observables from stratifications (#204).

  • Improved clean up of temporary tables (#207). Tables created internally in diseasystore are now labelled and removed when no longer needed.

  • In DiseasystoreBase$key_join_features(), stratifications no longer need to do computation on other features (#203).

diseasystore 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2024-12-11

Breaking change

New Features

Minor Improvements and Fixes

  • A bug was fixed where data was duplicated when features were not divided into separate tables (#192).

  • Two bugs were fixed in $determine_new_ranges() where existing tables were not detected:

    • On backends that use “catalog” to structure table (DuckDB and SQL Server) (also requires SCDB > v0.4) (#158).
    • Due to slice_ts not being correctly matched with existing data on some backends (#172).
  • Long stratification expression are now properly parsed in $key_join_features() (#161).

  • When creating your own diseasystore it is now easier to inherit from the base module (#189).

  • When creating your own diseasystore it is now easier to inherit from the base module (#189).

  • Warnings about existing stratifications now only appear if the requested stratification contains a named expression matching an existing stratification. Simply requesting the stratification from the feature store will no longer produce a warning (#192).


  • test_diseasystore() now also checks the ?FeatureHandler return data directly:
    • Checks that data is only within the study period (#154).
    • Checks that valid_from and valid_until has class Date (#154).
    • Checks that the valid_from and valid_until columns are chronologically ordered (#176).


Minor Improvements and Fixes

  • diseasyoption() can now be called without the option argument to return all diseasy/diseasystore options (#159).

    In addition, a new namespace argument can restrict the option look-up to a specific package (e.g. diseasystore).

diseasystore 0.2.2

CRAN release: 2024-07-15

Minor Improvements and Fixes:

  • The %.% operator is made more flexible to function as a drop-in replacement for $ (#145).

diseasystore 0.2.1

CRAN release: 2024-04-22

  • Support for SCDB v0.3 is removed.

diseasystore 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2024-03-20

New Features

Minor Improvements and Fixes

diseasystore 0.1.1

CRAN release: 2024-01-18


  • Improved the stability of internal functions.

  • Adapted to release of SCDB v0.3.


  • Improved documentation of functions.


  • Improved test stability when internet is unavailable.

  • Reduced the data footprint during tests.

diseasystore 0.1

CRAN release: 2023-12-20


  • ?DiseasystoreBase: A base class for the diseasystores.

    • R6 class that defines the interface for the diseasystores.
  • ?DiseasystoreGoogleCovid19: A feature store that uses the Google COVID-19 Open Data repository.

    • R6 class that builds on the base class to provide interface to the Google COVID-19 data.
  • ?FeatureHandler: A simple class to handle individual feature computations.

    • Defines the interface for each individual feature in the diseasystores.
  • Aggregators: A set of aggregators for the ?FeatureHandler to use.

  • drop_diseasystore(): A function to remove data from a feature store.

  • Added a informative operator to access data %.%.

    • Gives error instead of NULL if element does not exist.
  • age_labels(): A function to generate human-readable and sortable age groupings.


  • Most package functions are tested here.
