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SCDB 0.5.1


Improvements and Fixes

  • Intermediary tables are now being cleaned up (#174).

  • update_snapshot() now handles the given timestamp more consistently (#187). Thanks to @kjakobse for discovering the issue.

  • $finalize() is now a private method (#180). Required as of R6 v2.4.0.

SCDB 0.5.0

CRAN release: 2025-02-03

New features

Improvements and Fixes

  • update_snapshot() has been optimized and now runs faster on all the supported backends (#137).

  • *_joins() can now take dplyr::join_by() as by argument when no na_by argument is given (#156).

  • SCDB has been made backwards compatibility to R >= 3.6 (#164).

  • nrow() now always returns integers (#163).

  • interlace_sql has been fully deprecated and removed (#169).


SCDB 0.4.1

CRAN release: 2024-10-03

Improvements and Fixes

  • Logger now correctly writes to the “catalog” field on backends that support it (#149).

  • get_schema() now correctly returns the temporary schema on PostgreSQL backends (#139).

  • get_tables() now returns catalog on DuckDB backends (#145).

  • unique_table_names() now uses random alphanumerics to form the unique name instead of tracking via options (#158).


  • Deprecated check_from argument no longer used in dbplyr calls (#136).


SCDB 0.4.0

CRAN release: 2024-03-21


  • Table identification is now more specific (#93).

    Most SCDB functions allow for tables to be specified by a character representation of “[catalog].schema.table”.

    Before, if no schema was implied in this context, SCDB would attempt to match the table among both permanent and temporary tables.

    Now, it will always assume that a lack of schema means the default schema should be used. This is also the case if DBI::Id() is used without a schema specification.

  • The show_temporary argument of get_tables() is now a simple logical (#93).

    In addition, schema is always returned in the list of tables (no longer NA for default schema).

  • Tables created with create_table() will now be temporary or permanent dependent on the default value of DBI::dbCreateTable() (#93).

    If you wish to overwrite this, use ... arguments which are passed to DBI::dbCreateTable().

  • The %notin% operator has been removed from the package (#96).

  • The db_table_id argument in create_table(), get_table(), table_exists() and id() is renamed to db_table (#115). Any object coercible by id() can now be passed to these functions.

  • The order of arguments in create_logs_if_missing() has been swapped to match the rest of the package (#96). The conn argument is now before the log_table argument.

  • The arguments of Logger has been updated (#98):

    • db_tablestring is replaced with the db_table argument.

      This argument takes any input coercible by id() instead of only allowing a character string.

    • ts is replaced with the timestamp argument to align with update_snapshot().

  • The order of input arguments to Logger is changed (#98).

  • The interlace_sql() function is deprecated in favor of the S3 generic interlace() (#113).

New features

  • Added support for DuckDB (#121).

  • The S3 method as.character.Id() is added which converts DBI::Id() to character (#93).

  • A new which converts data.frame to DBI::Id() (#108). Useful in combination with get_tables(conn, pattern).

  • A new get_catalog() function is added to give more specific table identification (#99).

  • A new clean up function, defer_db_cleanup(), is added (#89).

    By passing a tbl_sql object to this function, the corresponding table will be deleted once the parent function exits.

  • A new function, unique_table_name(), to generate unique table names is added (#89). This function is heavily inspired by the unexported dbplyr:::unique_table_name().

  • A logger is introduced LoggerNull (#98):

    • Logger facilitates logging to file/console and logging to database.

    • LoggerNull is “no-logging” logger that can be used to suppress all logging.

  • Added a set of helper functions to prevent race conditions when writing to data bases (#104).

    See lock_table() and unlock_table().

Improvements and Fixes

  • Improvements for create_table() (#93):

    • now writes the table if a remote connection is given. Before, it would only create the table with corresponding columns.

    • can now create temporary tables for Microsoft SQL Server.

  • Improved checks on get_connection() (#83):

    • If given, host does not need to look like an IP address (e.g. “localhost” is not unrealistic).

    • A character input for port is allowed if it is a string of digits.

    • Now checks if timezone and timezone_out is an IANA time zone.

  • digest_to_checksum() has improved performance on Microsoft SQL Server by use of the built-in HashBytes function (#97).

  • table_exists() now correctly gives ambiguity warning on Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL backends (#80).

  • get_tables() now supports temporary tables for Microsoft SQL Server (#93).

  • get_schema() has been updated (#107):

    • It will now always return a schema (either directly from the object or inferred by id()).

    • A temporary argument is added to get the temporary schemas from DBIConnections.

  • id() now includes information of catalog in more cases (#99, #107).

  • Fixed dplyr joins failing if testthat is not installed (#90).

  • The footprint of update_snapshot() is reduced by cleaning up intermediate tables with defer_db_cleanup() (#89)

  • update_snapshot() now attempts to get a lock on the table being updated before updating (#104).

  • Logger$log_info() now uses message() instead of cat() to write to console (#98). The message written is now also returned invisibly.


SCDB 0.3

CRAN release: 2024-01-13

  • Added support for Microsoft SQL Server using ODBC (#77).

Minor Improvements and Fixes

  • Implementation of *_joins improved, now extending dplyr::*_joins rather than masking them (#77).

  • Added S3 method for id.tbl_dbi(), returning a DBI::Id() instance matching the table (#72).

    • Calling id() on a tbl_dbi thus allows to retrieve a schema even when not initially given.
  • Fixed update_snapshot() not working with a DBI::Id() instance as db_table argument (#72).

  • Suppressed recurring messages from dbplyr >= 2.4.0 about table names containing . (#72).

  • Added show_temp option to get_tables() to allow retrieving temporary tables (#72).

Other news

SCDB 0.2.1

CRAN release: 2023-11-30

Minor Improvements and Fixes

  • SQLite connections now support schemata similar to other backends (#67).

  • The package logo has been slightly altered to have a readable clock (#49).

  • Added a vignette describing the concept of a slowly changing dimension using examples (#53).

  • Added a Logger$finalize method, which removes the log_file in the database when not writing to a file (#66).

Other news

  • Maintainer changed to Marcus Munch Grünewald (#59).

SCDB 0.2

CRAN release: 2023-09-26

Breaking changes

  • update_snapshot() now take a Logger object through the logger argument instead of log_path and log_table_id arguments (#24).

  • Logger\$log_filename has been changed to Logger\$log_basename to reduce ambiguity.

New features

  • Package functions are now also tested with RPostgres::Postgres(), which is therefore now officially supported (#31).

  • get_connection() shows a warning if an unsupported backend is used (#26).

  • Increased flexibility for the Logger object (#21 #24):

    • A Logger instance may now be created with no arguments.

    • Suppress console output with output_to_console (TRUE by default).

    • If no log_path is set, Logger does not fail before trying to write to a file.

    • Logger\$log_realpath gives the full path to log file being written.

Minor improvements and fixes

  • schema_exists correctly detects a schema with no tables (#30).

  • db_timestamps now newer calls translate_sql with con = NULL (#37).

  • Package description has been updated to not use a footnote on CRAN.

Known issues

  • As schema_exists on an empty schema tests by creating a new table, this may cause issues if the user does not have sufficient privileges.

SCDB 0.1

CRAN release: 2023-08-28



  • Most package functions are tested here.


  • The functions are fully documented.